


I like to think of myself as a normal person who has been given the ability to help others by communicating with passed loved ones.

While some people may say I have a gift, I feel it’s more of a calling and something I was born with. A gift is something special. I don’t feel special, I just feel lucky that I can communicate with people that are no longer here and let people know that their loved ones are still with them.

I’m not a fortune teller, I just pass messages on.

As a psychic medium I am very lucky to get the opportunity to work in many ways from private one to one readings, Stage Demonstrations, Ghost hunts, Event speaker and many more.

And this is where I will be keeping everyone up to date on my events and schedule.

You can also send me messages and contact my team.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon


Dean James Fox is please do be able to offer Phone readingsText readings and E-mail readings from his hand selected team,

New Blog –

How To Heal With Crystals

Many people are natural drawn to a particular crystal, rock, or gemstone, with some people saying they can physically feel the crystal vibrating or have a tingling sensation when they hold them. Others say by simply > read more<




“I went to see Dean James in Halifax at the swan hotel and wow I was very skeptical before I went as you hear so generic stuff from mediums but Dean James never once did this, on the night me and my partner got messages, what made me believe was one line he said to me \”get in the garden\” well i broke down in tears there’s no way he could of known the person that was speaking to us always said that to me, the way is described things was amazing…….. and Dean James if you see this the clowns are still scarey…… thanks for a brill night will see you soon”
Dean is the first Medium I went to see and I was seriously impressed. Being honest I didn’t really know what to expect apart from watching videos on Youtube of other mediums.From the minute we arrived till we left we felt so welcome. I didn’t think I was going to make it to the evening because of a few health problems. I still felt a bit rough when I arrived. It’s probably a coincidence but after meeting Dean and shaking hands within 10 minutes I felt fine and even started to relax. Sadly I didn’t get a message but after watching and listening I am 100% certain he is the real thing. As Doris Stokes said once in one of her books…. You can’t die for the life in you
“The Reading myself and my mum had was really good and Dean hit the nail on the head ! Things he said to my mum know one knew ( like my mums nickname I call her) and about my mums auntie who came through, decribing how she looked, about her travels and her different accents, the other amazing thing was decribing my gran who is still alive and and that my mum’s auntie is always with her and describing my grans house and what number she lives at etc, Dean also brought through my mum’s brother which was nice because they where very close before he passed and mentioned tales about when they were younger. There’s lots more to mention but I could be writing essay EVERYONE WHO READS THIS BOOK TO SEE DEAN YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED we wasn’t :o)”
West Yorkshire
“Been to see Dean Three times ….twice at Pontefract and once at Wakefield…(STAGE DEMO) All three times have been amazing nights and ones I’m glad I’ve not missed …Dean is a lovely friendly person to meet…makes everyone feel warm and welcomed….Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to have a one to one reading …. but until then I’ll enjoy my nights at stage demo events….Keep up the excellent work you do Dean ….your absolutly amazing….xx”
“Well we have just got in after seeing dean at Huddersfield town hall and, as a firm believer, who has never seen a psychic before, it was with an open mind we attended. what can I say that hasn’t been said ? there Isnt anythIng else I can say that hasnt been saId already, dean is a true medium who talks to people who have passed, I know this to be a true fact as he mentioned two men to us one of which my father knew was there before dean mentioned him! he could not have just randomly plucked the incident of a fatal car crash out of no where after he had sIngled us out! my advice… go see for yourself you will leave with a sense of peace and calmness about you almost in awe at this man’s abilities!!”
“Today I had a 1 to 1 reading with Dean and i must say this guy never fails to amaze me. He made references to things no one else could of possibly have known. My problems with my back, my arthritic pain in my hands, my favourite flower, the illness my father inlaw suffered prior to his passing, my husband having problems with his knee… all to name but a few. I would Recommend Dean to anyone, he really was fantastic.Went to see Deans show in Halifax and had such a giggle. Dean was very accurate but he also lifts the atmosphere from a grim to a happy one. Seeing a medium should not be a depressing thing..we should all celebrate the fact that death is not the end and that our loved ones live on!”
“I went to see Dean for the first time on Friday at the Pontefract Squash Club and I had a fantastic night…my grandad came through and reassured me of a few changes taking place in my life. I will definately see Dean again, and hopefully Chantelle. Thanks Dean for a great night.”
“The most amusing part of the show was when Dean was giving a message and there was a pigeon sat outside on the window ledge behind him and it suddenly went cuckoo cuckoo LOL. then there was the lady who was hard at hearing at the back of the room and she kept asking her friend to repeat what Dean was saying and Dean said “take your time luvvie” . so very uplifting! xx”
What can I say that hasn’t already been said? except WOW some of the stuff he told me and the expression on Deans face when my ex husband came through..and what he said about him smelling of beer and stale cig’s (he was an alcoholic)made me laugh. Dean also set my mind at ease about my Nanna, which made me happy. I am defiantly having a group meeting as a few have said they wouldn’t mind seeing him now.
“I went to the church for the very first time, it was very entertainment, and I would like to say that Dean is excellent, and he got it right and spot on. :).”

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