A Beginner’s Guide to Unlocking the Secrets of the Pendulum

Pendulums Learn the Basics Today!

A pendulum is a tool that has been used in spiritual practice for centuries. It is usually made of crystals but other materials are also used and is hung from a string or chain. A pendulum can be used to detect vibrations from the divine energy and the subconscious mind. People use pendulums for a variety of reasons, from gaining insight into their lives, to asking questions about the spiritual realm. A pendulum can also be used to answer questions about the physical world, such as “will my unborn child be a boy or a girl?”, “should I leave my job?” and even “is he sleeping with someone else?”.

Anyone can use a pendulum, but it is important to understand the basics of how to use it, which pendulum is best for you and to calibrate the pendulum and set intentions.

Selecting Your Pendulum

When using a pendulum, common items that can be used include a crystal or a piece of jewellery. Make sure the item is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, as this will make it easier to manipulate the pendulum. When selecting the item, it is important to bear in mind that some materials are better conductors than others, meaning that they may be more effective in picking up subtle energies. Common materials for a pendulum include crystals, copper, and silver. It is said that quartz is best for connecting with spiritual energies due to its piezoelectric properties, with other crystal holding their own healing or connective powers, while copper and silver work well for connecting with the physical world. Additionally, the item should be free from any exterior influences, such as another person’s energy.

See below for my recommendations.

Pendulum Board

A pendulum board is a great tool to use when working with a pendulum. It can be made from any flat surface – such as a piece of wood or cardboard – and comes with a range of symbols and numbers that can be used to help interpret the movements of the pendulum. Generally, the pendulum will swing in certain directions or draw certain shapes to indicate a “yes” or “no” answer. By interpreting these shapes, you can gain insight into your questions.

See Below for my recommendations.

How To Use A Pendulum.

Set Intentions

To program your pendulum so that it can accurately answer specific questions, you first need to develop a connection with the pendulum by holding it in one hand, close to your body. Focus on your intention and ask the pendulum to show you a “Yes” answer by either swinging side to side or in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Then ask the pendulum to show you a “No” answer, and it should move the opposite way to the “Yes” answer. After that, ask the pendulum to show you an “Unsure” answer by moving it vertically up and down. If you are using a pendulum board, follow the same steps above but as the pendulum to point to the area on the board for each answer. You don’t need to ask the questions out loud – you can simply say them in your mind, as the pendulum will be able to sense your intention. Additionally, some people prefer to program the pendulum so that it knows what the answers are, by spinning it clockwise and saying “This is a Yes answer”, spinning it anti-clockwise and saying “This is a No answer”, and moving it vertically up and down and saying “This is an Unsure answer”.

Using Your Pendulum.

  1. Conductor: Select an item that you would like to use as your pendulum, remembering that each item will act as a different energy conductor. Make sure it is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand.
  2. Set Intentions: By setting out a firm guideline before each sitting will help the energy around you understand how to communicate with the pendulum.  
  3. Ground and centre yourself: This means that you will focus on your breath and the present moment in order to ensure that your mind is free from any exterior influences.
  4. Protection: This can be by imagining a white light that surrounds you or ask your spirit protectors for support. (You may also wish to read “Psychic Protection” click here)
  5. First Question: Once you are protected and feel grounded, ask the pendulum a question. It is important to remember to phrase the question as clearly as possible. I would also recommend writing down the questions you have asked so you do not repeat yourself.
  6. Answers: Observe the pendulum’s movements. Using the guidelines you set out in your intentions and write down any response.

By making notes of your questions and answers you will gain a better understanding of how to ask the correct questions that receive a response. Remember to be patient and practice regularly. With enough dedication and practice, you will eventually be able to access the energies of the spiritual world through your pendulum

My Pendulum Recommendations