Free 14 Day Mediation Guide

Free 14 Day Mediation Guide

Meditation is a powerful tool for personal growth, and 14 days can be enough time to begin to get a sense of its benefits. Research into the scientific benefits of meditation is ongoing, but there is already evidence that suggests that meditation can help to improve physical and mental health. Studies have found that regular meditation can lead to reductions in stress and anxiety, better sleep, and improved cognition and focus. Additionally, meditation has been linked to increased self-awareness, improved empathy, and emotional regulation, and improved overall well-being. Finally, research has also suggested that meditation can have positive effects on physical health, including improved cardiovascular health, pain relief, and immune system function. So, while the science is still developing, it appears that there are numerous benefits to be gained through regular meditation.

In This Guide:

  • How To Select Meditation Music
  • Free Link To 20 mins Mediation Music
  • How To Meditate
  • How Long To Meditate
  • 14 Day Guide To Mediation

How To Select Meditation Music

Selecting the right music for your meditation can be an important part of creating the right space and atmosphere for your practice. Here are some tips to help you choose the best music for your session:

  1. Set the mood – Choose music that creates the right atmosphere. Music that is slow and calming can help create a peaceful, calming atmosphere, whereas faster-paced music with more instruments and variety can be energizing and uplifting.
  • Keep it natural – Natural sounds such as running water, birds singing and wind blowing can be soothing and helpful for attaining a meditative state.
  • Make sure it’s the right volume – Soft, mellow background music is much better for meditation than loud, noisy music. The volume should never be so loud that it distracts you from your practice.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to find the perfect music for your guided meditation session.

Free Link To 20 mins Mediation Music

How To Meditate.

Here are some steps to get started:

  • Find a comfortable and quiet space where you can be undisturbed. This can be indoors or outdoors, but the key is to make sure the environment is free of distractions.
  • Sit in a comfortable position – this could be lotus pose, sitting in a chair, or lying down. Make sure your spine is straight, your body is relaxed, and your head is in line with your spine.
  • Close your eyes and take some deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. This helps to relax your body and mind and get you in the right frame of mind.
  • Focus on your breath – concentrate on the feeling of the breath as it enters your body and leaves your body. You can count your breaths if it helps.
  • When the meditation comes to an end, take some more deep breaths and open your eyes, slowly.

How Long To Meditate

The length of your meditation session will vary depending on your preferences, goals and available time. Generally, short meditation sessions of 5-10 minutes can be beneficial and can be done multiple times throughout the day, while longer meditation sessions can provide deeper benefits. It’s important to listen to your body, respect your limits and take frequent breaks when needed. Some people like to meditate for 20-30 minutes, while some may prefer to meditate for an hour or more. The important thing is that you find a practice that works for you.

14 Day Guide To Mediation

Here’s a 14 day by day guide to help you get the most out of your meditation journey:

Day 1: Start with a short session. Set aside a time and place for your meditation practice as well as an appropriate posture.

Day 2: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Focus on your breath and body sensations.

Day 3: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Observe your thoughts and feelings without getting lost in them.

Day 4: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Focus on the present moment without worrying about expectations.

Day 5: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Spend some of your session reflecting on how your practice has progressed.

Day 6: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Monitor your body and use relaxation techniques if necessary.

Day 7: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Experiment with different meditation techniques and poses.

Day 8: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Allow yourself to be with any desire or aversion that arises; don’t try to control or change it.

Day 9: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Practice various meditation techniques and adjust to find the most useful.

Day 10: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Be mindful of judgements and labels that arise throughout the session.

Day 11: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Let go of any expectations or attachments.

Day 12: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Consider writing a journal reflecting on how meditation has affected your life.

Day 13: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Carefully observe the activity in your mind and body.

Day 14: Increase the length of your meditation session by a few minutes. Reflect on your progress and write down any changes you experienced during the last 14 days.

By following this 14 day by day guide, you can make sure that you are making the most of your meditation journey and experiencing all the benefits that come with regular practice. Good luck and enjoy the journey!

Using Crystals when meditating can also help to give focus.

Protection is also very important during meditation.