Heal Yourself With Crystals

How To Heal Yourself With Crystals

Healing Stones, Crystals and Organic formations like Glass, Pearls and Fossils are often called Healing Crystals and have powerful energies, Storing the elemental powers of formation over millions of years. Created by water seeping deep into the ground, volcanic heat or mystical natural forces, Healing crystals act like everlasting batteries and hold the power of the Earth and universe.

How Crystals work.

Many people are natural drawn to a particular crystal, rock, or gemstone, with some people saying they can physically feel the crystal vibrating or have a tingling sensation when they hold them. Others say by simply having them, makes them feel better or assists them with healing or chakra alinement. Sceptics may say that this is the placebo effect, the power of positive thinking. Alternatively, the natural energy vibration of the crystals could be having a physical effect on our bodies, resulting in balance and realignment of the atoms that are withing our own bodies genetic make-up.  Whatever your thoughts on how Crystals work, we do know that for thousands of years our ancestors have proven an undeniable track record that crystals hold an energy power, that can help or heal or body and minds.

The Science Bit

Scientists tell us that Solids as well as gas and liquid are made up of molecules, atoms and/or ions. These particles posses’ energy, that all have movement. In gas they have more freedom of movement with limited connection from other particles and have no regular form. Liquid is made up of more condensed particles that have a relationship with each other, but still have a certain amount of space and freedom. Giving the flow effect, but solids don’t have the same amount of space around the particles. Solids are made up of closely compacted particles that create regular formations. However even solid form has space around the particles, that is just enough to allow tiny movement that can cause a vibration, albeit imperceptible to the average human being.  Crystals are often used in the world around us without us really taking note. Quarts is often used to power wristwatches for its capability of creating energy under stress.  

Crystal Healing. How to use Crystals.

Crystals are not just beautiful, they are powerful too. By using crystals around the home, as jewellery or for more formal healing practices. Their energy can be harnessed to help heal the body, mind, and spirit, as well as protection for yourself, friends and family. By creating Crystal Elixirs, Crystal layouts, chakra alignment or simply holding crystals in your hand, you can harness the powerful energy.

With each crystal having different healing or protective energies, it can be very confusing to know what’s best for you and how to use them.

Crystals and Colours

Here is a list of colours and examples of uses.

White colourless

Clarity, Beginnings, inspiration, Originality, Development, Ambition, Talent, Spiritual development, Contact with angels and spirit guides, Breaking bad luck, Good health. Whole body healing, Pain relief.

Example of Crystal: Quartz. Affirmation: A Desire Spell

Try Holding the Quarts Crystal and Say “I generate the power to attain what I desire” than add Your wish to the universe.

Click here to see the perfect Crystal for the above affirmation.

White Cloudy or Opaque (Solid Colour)

Dealing with loss, slowly unfolding potential, protection against negativity, hope, granting wishes and fulfilling dreams, Nurturing, Calling love from the past, Hormones, Fertility, Recovery from illness, Depression, Exhaustion.

Example of Crystal: Satin Spar. Affirmation: Protection Spell

Try holding this crystal in a ball shape and say “ Protect me from the negativity shown to me and others, My light is bright and I shine from within”.

Click here to see the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Passion, Courage, Strength, Determination, Positive change, Sexual Passion, Male potency, Initiative, Power, Protecting loved ones, Survival, Improve energy, Muscle, Low blood pressure, Blood ailments, Lifts depression, Feet, Hands, Skeleton, Reproductive organs.

Example of Crystal: Red Aventurine.  Affirmation: Courage and Strength Spell.

Try carrying this crystal with you in your pocket or bag, Saying “I carry you with love” and when you need that little extra support hold this crystal in your right hand.

Click here to see the perfect Angel crystal for this affirmation.


Joy, Abundance, Independence, Femail fertility, Confidence, Self-esteem, supports the Intestines, Increases pulse rate, Menopause, Food allergies and addiction.

Example of Crystal: Sunstone.  Affirmation: Joy To My Home.

Place this crystal near the entrance to your home to bring joy in abundance.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Determination, Tests, Job change, Communication, Determination, Logic, Memory, Money making, Repelling malice, Blood sugars, Digestion, Skin problems, Pancreas, Spleen, Nervous system, Nausea, Sickness.

Example of Crystal: Yellow Calcite.  Affirmation: Wear With Pride.

This crystal is best worn as jewellery and will help your body find its own rhythm.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Commitment, Love, Beauty, Wealth, Luck, Gradual increase in health, Environment, Healing via nature, healing, Benefits the heart, lungs and respiratory system, Infections and Viruses, High addiction, Obsession, Protection.

Example of Crystal: Jade.  Affirmation: Protection Spell.

This crystal radiates beauty and love and has the power to repel negative energy and thoughts. Wear this crystal for protection.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Career, Long-distance travel, House moves, Marriage, Idealism, Justice, Prosperity, Partnership, Peace, Creativity, Wisdom, Throat, Fever, Rashes, Bruises, High Blood pressure, Inflammation, Eyesight, Communication.

Example of Crystal: Blue Jasper.  Affirmation: Peace To You And Your Home.

This crystal is perfect for anyone who need to bring a calming energy to their home and inner spirit. Simply place this stone around the house say ” Peace and love bring to me, let the universe set me free”. Carry this stone with you or hold during mediation for extra peace.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Dreams, Spirituality, Psychic powers, Imagination, Consciousness, Intuition, Teaching, Healing from high spirit, Past sorrow, Troublesome influences, Headaches, Migraines, Ears, Hair, Childbirth, Addiction, Phobias, Hyperactivity, Insomnia.  

Example of Crystal: Amethyst.  Affirmation: Sleep/ Relax Spell.

By having this crystal in the window of your bedroom the natural sunlight will charge it with powerful energy that will slowly release throughout the night to help you sleep and relax.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Trust after betrayal, New love, Girls entering puberty, Relationship, Family relationship, Reconciliation, Stress headaches, PMS, Psychosomatic stress-illness, Insomnia, Abuse and self-hatred, Nightmares.

Example of Crystal: Pink Tourmaline.  Affirmation: Love/ Relationship Spell.

Carry this crystal with you everyday but before you wear it or place it in your bag you will need to place this blessing on the crystal. “ I set the intention of love and my heart is open to be seen and to receive protected love”

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Security, New skills, Property, Finding lost times, Perseverance, Practical matters, Anus, Prostate, Growth, Panic, Legs Bowels, Cravings.

Example of Crystal: Tiger’s Eye. Affirmation: Diet/ Craving Spell.

Place this crystal around in the kitchen or wear it to help Cravings. Say “I am filled with golden light that will fill my spirit with love and help me stop what I crave”

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Unfriendly energies, Keeping secrets, , Psychic attack shield, Peace-making, Neutralizing, Adaptability, Obsession and acute anxiety, Persistent pain, Tension.

Example of Crystal: Larvikite.  Affirmation: Remove Harm From Your Life Spell.

Take a new pencil and write what you wish to lose or remove from your life very faintly on white or grey paper; rub Larvikite over the writing, then use an eraser to remove the writing. Burn the blank paper.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Long Life, Recognition, Recovery, Fulfilling ambitions, Influx of money, Protection, Minor miracles, Compulsion, Obsessions.

Example of Crystal: Golden Beryl.  Affirmation: Influx Of Money Spell.

Carry this crystal in your wallet or purse for 1 week then wear the crystal for 1 month, this can be part of a necklace or bracelet. Once the month has finished repeat the ritual.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Luck, Intuition, Female spirituality, Attract love, Trust, Fertility cycle, Unexpected money, Nightmares, Loss of a loved one, Visual disturbance, Worry, Psychic meditation.

Example of Crystal: Haematite.  Affirmation: To see The Future More Clearly Spell.

Hold a flat piece of mirror Haematite as you meditate and as soon as you have finished your meditation, Gaze within the Haematite by candlelight asking to see the future more clearly and your guides will show you the path to take.

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.


Acceptance, Banishing sorrow, Guilt, Acceptance, Psychic protection, Destructive influences, blocking the negative, Transformation, Pain relief, IBS, Constipation.

Example of Crystal: Black Obsidian.  Affirmation: Banishing Sorrow Spell.

By simply wearing this crystal, it will give you the power to overcome sorrow. If you wish to focus this crystals power, simply hold the crystal when still wearing it and say “ I feel the pain of loss and sorrow but my spirit is strong, I use this energy to grow and shine”

Click here for the perfect Crystal for this affirmation.

There are many uses for crystals and I would recommend starting with a Chakra Crystal set.

Click here to see an example of a Chakra Set.

You can also watch the How To Heal yourself With Crystals video.