How to Read Oracle Cards

What Are Oracle Cards?

Oracle cards are a popular divination tool used to gain insight and guidance. They are composed of a deck of cards with specific images or symbols and can provide helpful advice or insight into any situation. Here is a guide on how to read oracle cards, as well as a few tips to keep in mind!

In This Article:

  • Different Types Of Oracle Cards
  • The Difference Between Tarot Cards And Oracle Cards
  • How To Select The Right Deck Of Oracle Cards For You.
  • My Oracle Card Recommendations
  • How To Read Oracle Cards
  • Tips For Reading Oracle Cards

Different Types Of Oracle Cards

Oracle cards come in a variety of themes and styles. There are general oracle decks that offer a broad range of guidance on any subject, as well as themed decks focused on a specific topic or area of life. Some popular oracle decks include Spirit animal cards, Angel cards, Affirmation Cards, Fairy Cards, Sleep Inspiration Cards, Crystal Cards.

The Difference Between Tarot Cards And Oracle Cards

Tarot cards and oracle cards are two different types of divination tools. Tarot cards consist of 78 cards that are used to gain insight into a particular situation or question. Each card has a unique meaning and can be interpreted in various ways. Oracle cards are another popular divination tool that is composed of a deck of cards with specific images or symbols. Oracle cards can provide guidance or insight into a situation, as well as offer positive affirmation or advice.

The main difference between tarot cards and oracle cards is the amount of detail and complexity they provide. Tarot cards offer a much broader range of interpretation and have a much more detailed system for divination. Oracle cards, on the other hand, offer more general guidance, often providing brief messages and affirmations. Oracle cards are also more varied in terms of their images and symbols, and can provide more personalized insight.

Overall, tarot cards and oracle cards can both be used to gain insight into a given situation. The choice between the two usually comes down to personal preference and the type of guidance or message you are seeking.

How To Select The Right Deck Of Oracle Cards For You.

Selecting the right oracle cards can be a daunting task, especially if you’re just starting out. Oracle cards are available in a variety of themes, materials, and sizes, so it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to choose. Here are a few tips to help make your decision easier:

Decide on a Theme: Start by deciding on a theme for your oracle cards. Some popular themes include angels, fairies, tarot, and crystals. Consider what type of information or guidance you would like to focus on, and then shop for cards that match that theme.

Pick Your Deck Size: Oracle cards come in a variety of sizes, from ultra-tiny to larger decks that may contain up to 120 cards. If you’re just starting out, it might be better to choose a small deck, so you don’t get overwhelmed. Once you have more experience, you can choose larger decks.

My Recommendations (Click on the links below to see my recommendations)

How To Read Oracle Cards

  • To read oracle cards, you will need to first focus on the energy of the cards. You can do this by taking a few moments to close your eyes, relax your body, and clear your mind. As you focus on the cards, be open to the messages or feelings that come to you.
  • Next, you will want to shuffle the cards and then select one from the deck. Once you have selected a card, take time to interpret its meaning. Look at the images or symbols on the card and take note of the words or phrases that come to mind. Consider the card’s message and any advice or guidance it may provide.
  • To gain further clarity, you can also combine the cards to form a larger message. For example, you can select three cards and arrange them in a triangle shape. Each card should represent the past, present, and future. Interpret the cards and use them to gain further insight into a particular situation or question.
  • Finally, use your intuition and instincts to interpret the messages of the cards. Listen to the energy of the cards and the insights they provide. As you become more comfortable reading oracle cards, you will be able to better interpret their messages.

Tips For Reading Oracle Cards

  • Take your time. Oracle cards are meant to be taken slowly and with intention. Allow yourself to take your time and really connect with each card.
  • Listen to your intuition. Oracle cards are meant to be interpreted intuitively. Listen to your instincts and don’t be afraid to trust your own judgment.
  • Use your imagination. Oracle cards often contain symbols and images that may not make sense at first glance. Use your imagination and creativity to interpret the cards in different ways.
  • Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of the cards. This can help to provide further insight into the overall meaning and message.

Oracle cards offer a unique way to gain insight and guidance. With practice and patience, you will be able to quickly interpret the cards and gain valuable insight into any situation.