Ouija Board: Exploring Its Ghostly Past and Mysterious Present

“From Spiritual Séances to Paranormal Parties: Exploring the Mysterious Origins & Uses of the Ouija Board

The Ouija board also known as Spirit boards and talking boards are used to communicate with the spirits of the dead or other supernatural entities. It is typically used in conjunction with a planchette, a small pointer that is used to spell out words or messages. The board is usually placed on a flat surface, and the “players” place their hands lightly on the planchette and ask a question. The planchette is then said to move in response to the question and spell out words or messages.

In This Article

  • A Brief History
  • How To Use A Ouija Board
  • Do’s And Don’ts
  • Recommendations

The Ouija board also known as Spirit boards and talking boards are used to communicate with the spirits of the dead or other supernatural entities. It is typically used in conjunction with a planchette, a small pointer that is used to spell out words or messages. The board is usually placed on a flat surface, and the “players” place their hands lightly on the planchette and ask a question. The planchette is then said to move in response to the question and spell out words or messages.

A Brief History

The boards have a long and varied history that can be traced back to antiquity. While the exact origin of the boards is still debated, they were most likely first used by the ancient Egyptians, who used a divination tool called a seance to connect with the gods. In the 19th century, the Fox sisters in the United States are believed to have developed a spiritualist practice called table-turning which used a board with letters, numbers, and symbols on it to communicate with the “other side”.

As the practice of spiritualism gained more widespread acceptance, boards became more commercialized and mass produced, eventually leading to the production of one of the most popular spirit boards of all-time, the Ouija board. In 1890, entrepreneur Elijah Bond patented a device he called the “Ouija” which contained a flat board with the letters of the alphabet and various symbols and numbers arranged in two concentric circles. The board was marketed as a parlour game, and quickly became a popular item in households around the world.

How To Use A Ouija Board

Before beginning a Ouija Board session, it is important to make sure that you have everything you need; the Ouija Board, a Planchette (or alternative) and that everyone involved is comfortable and fully understands what they are doing, and what each person’s role is.

Once ready, each person should protect their energy by visualizing a bubble around them to keep them safe from any negative energy or spirits. You can also call on spiritual beings such as Angels, ancestors, or guides to protect you. You may also wish to read “Psychic Protection” How to protect yourself.

One person should then bless the board by asking out loud that only positive spirits come through and make contact through the board, and that there are no negative spirits or energies allowed to come through. This will help to ensure that the session is safe and that only positive energies are contacted.

Before making a connection with a spirit, one person should ask out loud if there are any spirits that want to communicate with the group through the Ouija board. This can be done by asking for a specific person to connect and pass a message, or by asking a more general question such as “Are there any spirits here that wish to communicate with us here right now?”

When asking for a specific person, it’s important to note that the chances of them connecting may not be that good as they may not have anything they want to communicate at the time or may not have strong enough energy to influence the movement of the Planchette on the board.

When asking a more general question, it invites any spirit in the location to connect through the board and can provide more chances of connection and interaction. Once the question is asked, those involved should lightly place one or two fingers on the planchette and wait for it to move in response to the question, highlighting letters, numbers, or “yes” or “no” answers. It is important not to push or force the planchette, and if it does not move or spells out an answer that does not make sense the group should pause, re-centre and try again.

Once these steps have been completed, everyone should lightly place one or two fingers on the planchette and ask a question aloud. The planchette should move in response to the question, highlighting letters, numbers, or “yes” or “no” answers. It is important not to push or force the planchette; if it does not move or spells out an answer that does not make sense, the group should pause, re-centre and try again.

If the Planchette moves but to nowhere specific, it is best to start the conversation by saying something along the lines of, “Hello, we thank you for talking to us, can you tell us your name?”. It is important to wait for a response before continuing the conversation and maintaining the energy.

If the Planchette moves to “goodbye” or stops moving and it feels as though the spirit has gone, it is important to say “goodbye” and “thank you” before removing the Planchette or glass from the board. This will sever the connection that was made to the spirit energy.

It is also important to be mindful of how the session has been going, if the Planchette shows any resistance, if it moves in a strange or chaotic way or if any of the participants become uncomfortable or agitated, it is best to say “goodbye” and end the session.

In general, it is wise to keep the session focused on open and understanding communication. Try to be patient and concise when talking to the spirit and keep the conversation light and friendly. It is recommended to avoid difficult topics and challenging questions unless it is clear that the spirit is comfortable and eager to converse.

Finally, it is important to remember to thank any spirits that might have come through and thank everyone involved once the session is complete.


  • Set an intention or focus on a specific question before beginning.
  • Ask the spirits to identify themselves before asking questions.
  • Make sure everyone participating is comfortable with the process.
  • Speak calmly and clearly.
  • Begin cautiously and take your time.


  • Use the board for evil purposes.
  • Invoke negative spirits.
  • Make any unreasonable requests.
  • Become too emotionally attached to the process.
  • Push the planchette too quickly or forcefully.

Using a Ouija board can be a fun yet powerful experience. It is important to always maintain a sense of respect and discernment and to remember that, as with anything else, it should be done in moderation.
