Should We Fear Physical Mediumship?

Is Physical Mediumship connected to poltergeists’ activity?

Physical mediumship is a type of spiritual communication in which a medium or psychic receives messages or information from spirits or entities. During physical mediumship, the entity is able to physically manifest, often by interacting with objects in the physical world. Physical mediumship can take a variety of forms, including materialization (spirits taking on physical form), levitation (moving physical objects, such as tables and chairs, without touching them), interaction (Using combined energy to mover objects, such as table tipping), apportation (objects mysteriously appearing or disappearing) and direct voice (spoken communication between the medium and spirit). Physical mediumship is considered to be more challenging than other forms of mediumship, as it requires the medium to be in an altered state of consciousness when using direct voice, often referred to as a trance. During this trance, the medium allows the spirit to take control of their body and use it as a vessel to communicate with those in the physical world.

Materialization is a form of physical mediumship in which a spirit takes on a physical form or shape that can be seen by those physically present. This often requires the medium to enter an altered state of consciousness, often referred to as a trance. The spirit will then use the energy from the medium and those present to take on a physical form, usually appearing in a mist before solidifying into a figure that can be seen and interacted with. Materialization is a highly sought-after form of evidence for spiritualism and is considered to be one of the rarest forms of physical mediumship.

Levitation is a phenomenon that is studied by both spiritualists and scientists. In spiritualism, levitation is the process of a person or object being lifted into the air without any apparent physical means. It is thought to be caused by spiritual energy, and is often used as evidence of the paranormal. In science, levitation is the process of suspending objects in mid-air without any physical contact. Both spiritualist and scientific approaches to levitation have been studied and researched, and both have provided compelling evidence of the existence of phenomena that cannot be explained by science alone.

Interaction is the process of exchange between two or more entities, such as humans or the spirit world. In spiritualism, interaction usually refers to communication with non-physical entities, such as spirits, or other supernatural entities. This can include table tipping, table-tipping is a type of physical mediumship in which participants place their hands on a table and ask questions to a spirit or entity. The table is thought to move in response to questions, as if being pushed by an invisible force. This form of communication is thought to provide an interactive bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds.

Apportation is a phenomenon wherein an object appears to move from one place to another without any apparent physical force or intervention. This phenomenon is most commonly reported during spiritualistic circles, often as a part of a séance. It is believed by some that the movement of objects is caused by Spirit, poltergeist activity, or by temporal distortions that move objects through time and space. Others claim that the movement of objects is due to telekinesis, the ability to move objects with the mind. Whatever the cause, apportation remains an intriguing phenomenon that has yet to be fully understood.

Direct voice is a phenomenon that is reported to occur during spiritualist seances. It is believed to involve the manifestation of a disembodied voice or spirit, speaking directly to the participants in the seance. There have been several theories as to how this phenomenon occurs, The main theory suggest that the voices are actual spirits from the afterlife, attempting to communicate with the living. Whatever the cause, the phenomenon of direct voice remains an intriguing one.

Are Poltergeists and physical mediumship Connected?

Poltergeists are paranormal entities that are said to cause physical disturbances such as the movement of objects and the manifestation of voices.

The connection between physical mediumship and poltergeists is a strong one. Some theorists have suggested that poltergeist activity might be caused by a spirit entity present during a physical mediumship session. Other theories suggest that the disturbances may be caused by intense emotions, psychological issues, or temporal distortions.

Physical mediumship has been used in attempts to contact poltergeists for many years. During physical mediumship sessions, a practitioner might attempt to contact poltergeists by using various communication techniques, such as sound or light. The practitioner might also attempt to manipulate the conditions of the physical environment in order to provoke poltergeist activity. For example, some practitioners claim to be able to create a negative energy field that can attract poltergeists.

Should we fear physical Mediumship?

Whether or not physical mediumship should be feared is an open question and ultimately depends on individual preferences and beliefs. On one hand, physical mediumship has been used for centuries to contact spirits, and many practitioners find it to be a helpful tool for connecting with the paranormal. On the other, physical mediumship can be unpredictable and the potential for paranormal activity can be difficult to anticipate or control.

As a result, many people are cautious when engaging in physical mediumship for fear of encountering something unexpected or dangerous. Ultimately, deciding whether or not to engage in physical mediumship is an individual decision and should be carefully considered.

There are many Books regarding Poltergeist activity and I highly recommend.

The Poltergeist Prince of London: The Remarkable True Story Of The Battersea Poltergeist

It began with a key. One afternoon in 1956, in the home of the Hitchings family in Battersea, south London, a small silver key appeared on Shirley Hitchings’ bed. This seemingly insignificant event heralded the beginning of one of the most terrifying, incredible and mysterious hauntings in British history. The spirit, who quickly became known as ‘Donald’, began to communicate, initially via tapping sounds, but over time – and with the encouragement of psychical researcher Harold Chibbett, whose case-files appear here – by learning to write. Soon, the spirit had begun to make simply incredible claims about his identity, insisting that he was one of the most famous figures in world history – but what was the truth? Here, for the first time, is the full story, told by the woman right at the hear of it all – Shirley herself.

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