Psychic Protection is Important

Why is Psychic Protection So Important

Psychic protection is incredibly important because it helps us to stay in control of our own energy and be aware of the energies around us. Psychic protection is a form of energetic defence that helps to protect us from negative or intrusive energies. It can involve visualizing a protective shield or bubble around oneself, using crystals for protection, or even calling upon spiritual guides or angels for help. Psychic protection helps us to stay grounded and connected to our own energy, while also blocking out external influences that can be draining or depleting. It helps to keep us safe and in control of our own energy.

Psychic protection is incredibly important for those who practice spiritual or esoteric arts. It’s an essential tool for maintaining emotional and energetic balance, as well as for safeguarding against negative influences. In this Blog, we’ll discuss why it’s so important to protect yourself psychically, and how to go about doing it.

What is Psychic Protection?

Psychic protection is an important concept that many people are not familiar with. It is based on the idea that we all have a unique energetic signature, and we can be vulnerable to negative influences from external sources. Psychic protection is a practice that is used to safeguard against these influences and protect one’s aura and energy field.

Why is Psychic Protection Important?

First, there is the idea that we are all vulnerable to being affected by negative energy. We can open ourselves up to negative energies from other people or from our environment if we are not mindful and conscious of our energy and our surroundings. This can make us more vulnerable to negative influences and affect our emotional and physical states.

Second, psychic protection is a tool used to protect oneself from these external influences. It is believed that when psychic protection is in place, it creates a barrier between the individual and any negative energies that could be directed towards them. This barrier can help to neutralize any potential harm.

Finally, psychic protection can be used to help maintain emotional balance and stay focused on positive intentions. When we are surrounded by positive energy, we can remain confident, stay grounded in our power, and increase our overall wellbeing.

How To Practice Psychic Protection

There are several ways to practice psychic protection. One of the most popular methods is to visualize a protective shield or bubble around yourself. This can be done by envisioning a white, protective light surrounding your body. You can also use crystals, such as black tourmaline, which helps to absorb negative energies, or you may choose to call upon spiritual guides or angels for protection. Other methods include grounding yourself, meditating, and using sage or incense to purify the energy in your space.

Creating a protective shield:

First visualize a protective shield or bubble around yourself. This can be done by envisioning a white, protective light surrounding your body. You can also use crystals, such as black tourmaline, which helps to absorb negative energies, or you may choose to call upon spiritual guides or angels for protection.

Next, ground yourself. This can be done through activities such as walking barefoot in nature, taking a few moments to meditate, or simply by focusing on your breathing and bringing your attention to the present moment.

Third, purify the energy in your space. This can be done with sage smudging or using incense. Simply light the sage or incense and walk around your space while visualizing the smoke, or heat from the incense, cleansing all the energy.

Finally, spend some time connecting with yourself and spiritual guides or angels. Ask for their help and guidance in maintaining a safe and protected space.

By practicing these steps regularly, you can create a strong psychic shield that will protect you from any negative or intrusive energies.

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