Why Is Everyone Called Claire In Mediumship?

Understanding The Clairs Of Mediumship

Clair senses, also known as the six clairs, are a set of intuitive senses used to connect with and interpret spiritual information. There are six different types of clair senses, each with its own distinct purpose and application.

While all mediums can use each of the six clairs, it is important to remember that not all mediums have developed their abilities to the same level in all six clairs, and they may also use the clairs in different ways depending on their individual talents and preferences. Ultimately, it is up to the medium to decide how best to use their abilities.

The 6 Clairs

Clairvoyance is the ability to receive visual impressions from the spirit realm. Those with this ability can “see” images, symbols, and other forms of information that are not visible to the physical eye.

Clairaudience is the ability to receive auditory impressions from the spirit realm. Those with this ability can “hear” voices and other forms of spiritual communication that are not audible to the physical ear.

Claircognizance is the ability to receive direct knowledge from the spirit realm. This is the ability to “know” information without the need for logical or sensory processing.

Clairsentience is the ability to receive intuitive feelings about the spirit realm. Those with this ability may get a “gut feeling” about certain spirits or situations.

Clairgustance is the ability to receive gustatory impressions from the spirit realm. Those with this ability can “taste” different flavours and tastes related to the spirit realm.

Clairalience is the ability to receive olfactory impressions from the spirit realm. Those with this ability can “smell” various scents and aromas related to the spirit realm.

Each of the six clairs of mediumship has its own distinct purpose and application. Those who develop their ability to receive impressions from the spirit realm can gain valuable insight into the spiritual realm and use it to help others. Some Have the ability to use and understand the full set of clairs at the same time, But others may only work with one Clair at a time.

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