Questions about Tarot Cards,

What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards have been used for self-exploration and gaining insight into one’s life for centuries. With hundreds of decks to choose from, from the Visconti-Sforza Tarot deck first created for the Visconti family in the 1600s to the many modern tarot and oracle decks available, there is a wealth of tools available to use. Tarot cards are not only used for fortune telling and divination practices, but also as a form of meditation and to gain clarity on relationships, difficult decisions and challenging situations.

The misconception that tarot cards are used only by ‘hack fortune tellers’ or those doing evil occult practices is an unfounded rumour, perpetuated in folk stories, literature, television, and film. It is important to note that tarot is not meant to predict the future, but instead offers insight, guidance, and clarity into the present. As such, it is important to research any deck before purchasing, and to be aware of the difference between a tarot deck and oracle deck. With this knowledge, tarot can be used as a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding.

Questions I Have Been Asked To Answer About Tarot

“What are tarot cards used for?”

Tarot is an incredibly versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including enhancing one’s romantic life, career or decision making, or gaining insight into relationships with family and friends. It is also a powerful tool for self-development and exploration, as it helps to unlock intuition and access the Akashic Record — the collective knowledge of all that has been, all that is, and all that is to come.

Tarot is not magical and does not contain special powers or contain negative or evil energies. Rather, it is a tool that can help to gain insight, offer guidance, and allow us to explore potential outcomes. It can help to gain clarity, as well as to develop both psychic and intuitive abilities and improve the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind. Ultimately, tarot is a tool that can be used in many different ways and is a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding.

What are Tarot readers?”

A Tarot reader is someone who can interpret the symbols, messages, and meanings of the Tarot cards and translate them into meaningful insight and guidance. Even though having psychic abilities can be helpful, it is not necessary; with enough practice and dedication, anyone can learn how to read Tarot. To become a competent reader, you need to learn about each card and its reversed meaning (if you choose to read with reversals), gain a deeper understanding of what the combinations of cards mean as a whole, and cultivate the ability to tap into the intuitive and psychic realms to interpret the messages the cards impart. Building and strengthening this connection to your inner voice requires commitment and dedication to learning the Tarot and connecting with your intuition.

“What do you need to be able to read Tarot?”

All that is needed to do a Tarot reading is a Tarot card deck. It is as easy as that! Some readers might like to create a special environment for their readings by using candles, crystals, statuettes, runes, or smudging their space to clear away negative energy. While these rituals can be beneficial for some readers, it is not an absolute requirement for a successful Tarot reading. The only thing that is absolutely necessary for a Tarot reading is the Tarot card deck itself.

“What can I expect from a Tarot reading?”

Tarot readings can be conducted both in-person and remotely through video calling, phone call, or even email. The process is generally the same regardless of the method used, although there may be slight variations depending on the reader. Generally, the reader will ask for a question to be answered, and then the cards will be shuffled, and a spread will be chosen. A spread is simply a way of laying out the cards in a certain pattern to help the reader interpret their meanings. After the cards have been laid out, the reader will take a few minutes to observe the cards, the relationships between them, and any patterns that may arise, before they start interpreting their meanings. Once the reader has made their interpretations, they will discuss them with you and answer any questions you may have.

“What should I ask in a Tarot reading?”

You can ask any questions you want in a Tarot reading, but you should bear in mind that the reader may have a code of ethics they follow. This code of ethics typically means that they won’t answer questions relating to health, will not read for third parties, and may not answer questions about death or mortality. They may also have certain topics that they do not feel comfortable reading about, such as questions about spirituality, relationships, money, or any topics that could be considered controversial or offensive. It is important to check the code of ethics for the reader you are consulting, as this will give you an indication of the types of questions they will and will not feel comfortable answering.

“Do you have to be a psychic to use Tarot?”

No, you do not need to be psychic in order to read tarot. While some people may have a natural ability to connect more instinctively with the cards and sense their energy, this is not a requirement. Anyone with a willingness to learn, practice and develop their reading skills can become a proficient tarot reader. Tarot reading is a skill that requires practice and dedication and involves using a combination of intuition and knowledge. This means that it is possible to learn and understand the cards without being psychic or having special abilities, as long as you are willing to put in the work and study.

Recommended Cards

The Original Rider Waite Tarot is the most popular and widely used tarot card deck in the world. With 78 cards and an instructional booklet, it is perfect for people beginning to connect with Tarot, and those more experienced readers.