One To One Readings

Dean James Fox is pleased to be able to offer Phone readings, Text readings and E-mail readings from his hand selected team,

Dean James Fox also offers private readings at his office in Brighouse, Over the phone or Video chat.


Have a reading now, 24 hours a day.

PHONE READINGS (click here for more information and to meet the readers)

TEXT READINGS (click here for more information)

E-MAIL READINGS (click here for more information)

READINGS WITH DJF (Face to face, Phone or Video chat)

Please contact us to book, call/text 07543579310

You can also call Dean James Fox on a Monday after 9:30am to see if he has any cancellations  on 07543579310

When contacting Dean James Fox please state the area you are based.

Gift vouchers are also available

30 Mins Reading (Psychic or Mediumship) Click Here

60 Mins Reading (Psychic or Mediumship) Click Here

Readings With DJF Himself

Dean’s Face to Face Private Readings are a perfect opportunity for people seeking comfort, validation, and closure after the loss of their loved ones. With his unique abilities to connect with the other side, Dean provides a personalized and enriching experience that allows individuals to reconnect with their loved ones and gather essential information about their future. Whether someone wants guidance, support, or merely wants to explore their life’s possibilities, Dean’s private readings offer a safe, compassionate, and authentic space to do so. So, if you want to experience the magic of connecting with the other side and gain insight into your life’s journey, Dean is able to offer you the reading the reading that is dedicated to you.

Dean’s unique spiritual awareness allows him to connect with loved ones who have passed on and provide comfort and closure to those who are left behind. Through validation of messages from the other side, Dean is able to reassure people that their loved ones are still with them, watching over them and sending messages of love and support. The fact that Dean can verify information that only the deceased would know is a powerful testament to the authenticity of his gifts, and provides a sense of peace to those who may have been doubtful or unsure about the reality of the afterlife. Overall, Dean’s abilities offer a profound sense of spiritual connection and healing to those who seek his guidance.

Dean’s Face to Face Private Readings provide an illuminating opportunity for those searching for a personal connection with their loved ones who have passed away. With his exceptional ability to communicate with the departed, Dean offers a unique and meaningful experience that delivers validation and peace to those seeking answers. His readings are personalized, profound, and heartfelt, helping individuals to gain a sense of closure and comfort during the grieving process. Whether you are seeking an opportunity to communicate with a loved one, or simply seeking guidance, Dean’s Face to Face Private Readings provide an exceptional opportunity to connect with the spiritual realm.

Please contact us to book, call/text 07543579310

You can also call Dean James Fox on a Monday after 9:30am to see if he has any cancellations  on 07543579310

When contacting Dean James Fox please state the area you are based.